Invest with us

Requirements for the project initiator

We expect the project initiator to demonstrate the following:

  • Successful business experience
  • Strong business reputation
  • Competitive advantages
  • Availability of a competent management team
  • Availability and willingness to invest own capital (“skin in the game”)

Requirements for the project

Our pipeline projects are featured with the following:

  • Value-added industries
  • Alignment with the Fund’s investment philosophy
  • IRR of 15% or higher
  • Employment opportunities for the local workforce
  • Integrating new technologies
  • Export orientation and/or import substitution

Why invest with UzDIF?

Investing with UzDIF can bring the following advantages:


  • Up to 49% of the total project cost in the form of equity, debt or hybrid financing.
  • UzDIF can act as a lead investor with a consortium of investors if their combined share is larger than UzDIF’s.
  • UzDIF can structure financing through SPVs and other vehicles in foreign jurisdictions for investors' comfort.
  • Ability to syndicate and leverage own investment with top names and IFIs.
  • UzDIF’s due-diligence findings will be available for investors to facilitate decision-making.


  • Your eyes, ears, hands, and feet on the ground
  • Expertise from professionals with educational background from Western institutions and communication without any language barriers.
  • Enlist UzDIF’s market knowledge, professional network and resources to your competitive advantage

There are two options for financing an investment with UzDIF

  • Financing with UzDIF. UzDIF acts as a first-class borrower for debt investors, on-lending funds to selected projects while complementing the structure with additional equity.
  • Direct co-financing. Investors provide the funds in the form of equity or debt directly to the project company and share the project risks with UzDIF.
  • In both scenarios, UzDIF can contribute a maximum of 49% equity with a cap of USD 20 million per investment project. The remaining financing requirements will be fulfilled by investors and the company itself, using bank financing if necessary.